Spruill Gallery, Atlanta, GA. USA
"The Finnish Illusion" Group Show 2018
Artist statement
A key element in my artwork in the past few years have been clocks. I'm interested in the concept of “time” and “timelessness”. That’s Linear Time versus Spiritual Time. Linear time is the time in which we live right now versus Spiritual Time, which is the time in which Spirits exist. I don't know really where my interest for the life “Hereafter” began from but I believe it has something to do with the relationship that I have with my Grandmother and Mother. Both have crossed over to the other side.
As a young girl my Father would buy me wrist watches and he wondered why I would never wear them. It’s now later as an adult when I’ve realized myself why I never wanted to wear a wrist watch. They made me feel like I was trapped in a single time space. I find clocks that don’t tick anymore, far more intriguing because there are endless possibilities in them. They allow me to travel through multiple layers of time.
In 2016 I was preparing an exhibition in Helsinki called “The Crossing Over”. The theme of the exhibition was about the passing of Souls into the Afterlife. I did not realize then that I was preparing myself subconsciously for the “departure” of my Mother. My Mother and I have always had a very strong and close relationship. At first I didn't know how I would cope with her loss.
However I did not have time to mourn or grieve her loss as she began communicating with me almost immediately after she had “crossed over”. I believe that regardless of our Spiritual beliefs, whether we believe in God or not we can still have a relationship with Spirit, if we allow it. So when I talk of my Mother in the present tense it’s because I feel that I haven’t lost her at all, she is just in another dimension.
A great part of my inspiration comes from the communication of Spirit source. It's not unusual for me to wake up at 3 a.m. in the morning and have multiple imagery in my head that I feel like I need to sketch on paper as soon as possible.
Photos from Ilona's room at "The Finnish Illusion" exhibition, Spruill Art Gallery, Atlanta. GA USA. 2018
Together with artists Katja Tukiainen and Maria Wolfram.